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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Of course Manoling Morato is not! (Part II)

Anent to my previous blog about Morato, yo he guardado silencio and let my previous article stand and live my thoughts como los que nunca, nunca cambia! I have done so intentionally so as to prevent the Morato issue from making him an awful person to the public; I think they know enough to consider this fact already.

I used plain uncomplicated reasoning in advancing my proposition, that Morato does not deserve any trust from the Filipinos who might have inadvertently gave him that.

Of all the issues that Morato has included himself, the most "entertaining" was his strong accusations against PCSO. Porque? This argument is thrown around every time by everyone from the news flashed on televisions to the articles that could be found on the papers and internet. It boomed like a blockbuster movie starred by the most promising actors and actresses.

The common shut-up question would be: “Why should we believe Manoling Morato?”

Let me point this out to you. Estoy convencido that Manoling has knuckled down enough agony and deceit that the country will feel for years to come. He has lied in our faces and stole our repositories in clear daylight. His dirty works has tossed many into poverty and killed many Filipinos by his corruption. Frustrated that his atrocious acts will be revealed, he points his finger at those impeding his plans. He pins the blame to the present PCSO administration and the blame game begins.

Oh, the punetero plays it really well!

Of course, the argument is not only about change but also validating the facts that are laid down on the table by Morato to support his allegations, if there are any.

Another question that begs to be answered is this: “What makes this person ANY DIFFERENT from others who chaired the PCSO to merit the trust being given to him, unwittingly or not?”

Margie Juico has played relatively similar stunts. This could definitely be justified by the progress PCSO has made over the past months. So what anointed Manoling Morato to make the very good leader in him and separate himself from the ills of all administrations that took over PCSO and tout about it?

This maricon came from a wealthy family. Lucky him, he was not able to get a feel of what it is like to force yourself to sleep so you do not feel the painful state of weakness caused by the need for food. How can he say that he has the heart for the poor if he does not even understand what is it like to be one? Should mere affiliation to his deceased rich parents automatically let him develop the heart for these people? If this is the case, should we expect all members of the upper class upright, ergo capable of managing PCSO and not robbing our coffers?

His parents can only do so much in building a Manoling. Truth out, he has failed his parents.

His record is not clean; it is sanitized. Give me one reason, and I mean just one, why I should trust Manoling Morato’s words and I will dig the deepest of deep to search for words that would celebrate his name, or I can just shut up

I prefer the latter by the way ... the former is just way too impossible.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Of course Manoling Morato is not!

On May 23, I asked why, oh why, does Manoling Morato fancy himself as the crusader. Ahora, my question was answered: the maricon is himself como algo sucio, podrido y perverso as the people he points his fingers at!

Esta es la verdad and why do I say this?

Is Manoling Morato “clean”? Of course he is not! His show, Dial M, which was of course maintained through PCSO money, was used for the campaign of Gilbert Teodoro. Why would Manoling Morato allow something like that? He knows fully well that PCSO money is people’s money. Surely the punetero knows that the PCSO belongs neither to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo nor to him. So why, in heaven’s name, will he use his show to campaign for Teodoro? What he has done was to use people’s money to further his cause; which, again, is to campaign for the man he probably fancies. Isn’t this outright theft? The senators, I hope, also take this into serious consideration and look beyond the electioneering charge ... the maricon stole from the people. No es evidente?

Is Manoling Morato “guiltless”? Of course he is not! For a repulsivamente hablador animal like Manoling Morato to “invoke silence” is downright uncharacteristic of the maricon. Manoling Morato? Silent? Desde cuando? The only logical explanation here is that Manoling has ran out of excuses. Period. Now he has to face the music (and I hope this is not just ningas cogon on the part of the Philippine Senate) and it is obvious that there is a big possibility that he may have to dance with the tune. This being said, the bichesa will now have to keep his mouth closed. Eso es lo que se llama: self-preservation. Estan claro como el agua!

Is Manoling Morato “effective”? Of course he is not! Y no es obvio? The numero uno ladron has spent many hours through his Dial M show, promoting the presidential bid of Teodoro and, moreover, lambasting Aquino and Villar. Qué tienen que decir Manolíng Morato, now that the object of your gay fantasy (Gilbert Teodoro) is so far, far, far from Malacanang? Your oral diarrhoea did not have any effect at all and what a waste of time (never mind yours) and money (people’s money, mind you)! The vergonzoso Morato even apologized for lambasting Guingona and Escudero … que barbaridad are we sure this was Manoling Morato speaking? This is atypical of Morato and there must be a reason for this.

In the end, it should be very clear to us.

La gran pregunta es: Why is Manoling Morato so noisy?

La respuesta es más grande: Manoling Morato has the most basura to hide than everybody he has pointed his fingers at.

Hay Manoling. You are probably the only failure that your father and mother came up with.